While Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson talked with CBS 13 News this morning about the proposed budget cuts to be discussed later this evening, another discussion took place at William Land Park.
Craig Powell of Rescue Sacramento Parks has been at William Land Park protesting the proposed cuts to Parks and Recreation, specifically those impacting park maintenance. According to Powell, the cuts would reduce mowing to once every two to three weeks, trash cans would be emptied once or twice a week, and all park restrooms would be closed except for special events. Speaking to KCRA 3, Powell said he is not encouraging park visitors to find other means of using the restroom, but said it was inevitable that visitors would find another way.
KCRA 3 also spoke with James Combs, the Director of the City’s Park’s and Recreation Department. Comb’s said cuts will be coming to park staff, park maintenance, and to recreation with the closing of community centers, pools, and children’s programs. Currently, 65 workers are on the chopping block.
So what does this mean for North Sacramento’s parks? Will the restrooms be open at Mama Marks, Redwood, and Woodlake? Will the Hagginwood and Robertson community centers adjust hours or close altogether? The only large pool in the area is at Johnston; will it remain open? Will the proposed community gardens at Hagginwood and Johnston see daylight? Will the children’s programs at Northgate and Robla continue?
The Proposed FY 2009/10 Budget will be presented to Council at tonight’s 6pm meeting, which can be viewed online or on Metro Cable Channel 14.