Things were relatively uneventful in terms of major violence at this year’s California State Fair.
That was until last night when a strange video popped up on Youtube showing a fight that broke out at the midway.
The first video shows the beginning of the fight. Interestingly enough, the individual shooting the video makes numerous plugs for a party he’s supposedly throwing, even inviting one of the fighters. He goes as far as throwing ads on the ground:
His actions in the second video are even more hilarious. He jumps back in to film the scuffle, flashing his chain at the camera for advertisement.
As officers attempt to set a perimeter, he continues videoing and tells them: “Whoa, my shoes boy! I ain’t doing nothing. Relax bro.”
Then it gets stranger.
At around the 2:35 mark, the individual shooting the video says “I just gotta edit this thing now”. He then follows up by saying “They’re harassing all the Blacks and Mexicans out here”; however he then, yet again, makes another plug for his party. By this time he’s getting the cold shoulder.
No editing appeared to be necessary for the NBA Jam / WWE-like commentary.