Despite the recent incident near Dixieanne, crime in the North Area has decreased 12-percent between 2008 and 2009.
The most notable was the decrease in homicides. There were 16 homicides in Police Sector 2 (which is our sector) in 2008 compared to three homicides in 2009, the lowest number for all sectors in the City and the lowest for Sector 2 in over a decade. This was also the first time Sector 2 didn’t have the highest number of homicides since 2004.
The steepest decline was stolen vehicles, which dropped 20-percent from 851 in 2008 to 678 in 2009. The highest increase was business burglaries, increasing 20-percent from 197 in 2008 to 236 in 2009.
You sure wouldn’t know that by listening to a police scanner, or reading the news on the pc? You sure you got that right? I say crime is UP.
This is based on Crime Stats reports emailed to residents from the Sacramento Police Department. The last report showed crime in North Sacramento specifically decreased when compared to statistics from 2008 to 2009.
You have a very good point considering the recent events with the recent events in Dixianne, the beating of the woman known as the “cat lady”, and events in South Sac.