Sacramento City Councilmembers voted last night to requite water customers to reduce their water use by 20 percent.
Photo from: City of Sacramento, Public Information
The reductions are expected to be achieved through increased enforcement of the City’s conservation ordinance, reduced watering days in the spring and summer, enhanced water conservation measures at City facilities, and an enhanced public education campaign.
While the City is not facing an immediate water supply emergency, the Department of Utilities asked City Council to require cutbacks due to historically low-levels in Folsom Reservoir, a weather forecast predicting continued dry conditions, and concern for the American River and its fisheries.
Customers can achieve the 20 percent reduction savings by adopting small changes in their everyday routines such as:
- Complying with the City’s current one-day-a-week watering rule, in effect until Daylight Saving Time, March 9, 2014 (saves more than 500 gallons of water per day for every day the water is turned off).
- Turn off water when brushing teeth or shaving (saves approximately 10 gallons per day).
- Wash only full loads of clothes (saves 15-45 gallons per load ).
- Take five minute showers instead of 10 minute showers (saves 12.5 gallons with a water efficient showerhead (2.5 gallons per minute)).
- Fix leaky toilets (saves 30-50 gallons per day per toilet).
- Fix leaky faucets (saves 15-20 gallons per day per leak).
- Install a high-efficiency WaterSense-labeled toilet (1.28 gallons per flush) (saves 19 gallons per person per day).