WARNING: The video for this story contains graphic images. Please watch at your own discretion.
On Thursday, ranSACkedmedia informed us of a story one of their readers sent them about a dog he found on the side of the road, suffering from visible injuries. We’re sharing this story with the hopes that someone with information about how these injuries occurred will contact the proper authorities.
The story goes as follows (edited)…
I, who wish to remain anonymous, was on my way from my job to a meeting yesterday morning, driving south down Oakmont Street in the Del Paso Heights area, and made a quick left onto Calvados Ave. There was a small dog on roadside, and it appeared injured. I decided to stop as the injuries appeared to possibly be severe. I turned the car around so I was facing the pup, I stopped and saw it was injured badly, and called animal control. I was on hold for some time, and though I didn’t want to act as though I knew how to alleviate its suffering, I thought maybe I had better get out of car. I approached the pup carefully, and shocked by its injuries, got my camera out to document it in case the video were somehow necessary for any investigation…I smelled a very familiar scent that was extremely strong as the pup approached me, and remember saying out loud “What is that sm..”, and before I finished the sentence, I realized what the smell was and began to make sense of the injuries. The smell was strong odor of burnt hair. Then I knew someone had set the puppy on fire. I then got my 2nd phone and dialed 911 while on hold with animal control.
I went into a state of shock where nothing phased me, and went to car to get water and a water bowl. Other people stopped, some continued on avoiding looking at the gruesome horror, some uninterested, turned to go the other way. Two men went to get wet dog food and came back.
The young dog’s courage and sense of optimism towards human life was astonishing. Considering what it had been through, seemingly from the hands of another human being, it was hard to believe the pup was wagging its tail at me. Dr. Kevorkian came to mind throughout the ordeal, and if I had a suicide machine I would have quickly put it out of its misery – though I did not. Kevorkian quoted St. Augustine as saying; “We deserve no praise, for we do what we know is right and ought to do.” I think of that in reflection and would like that to resonate as apart of this story. The dog amazed me more than anything I’ve ever known or experienced, and believe it is important that her story is known, that we as people can learn from her grace and love, despite her unnecessary suffering at the hands of what seems to be something of a very evil nature.The animal control had to put her to sleep. I’m not a religious person, but this day I longed for a God that could save her and reward her for her bravery. It was difficult to see, and I don’t know why I had to see it. I do tend to believe things happen for a reason, as silly as that may seem, but this has been hard to understand..
Edit this how you like, and release as much or little of it that you like as well. Thank you for your time. If you need more details I can do that… basically though, animal control showed up some time later, he took the dog into the truck, and with some hesitation told us the dog would be put to sleep. Going back to my car a man tried to console me, and the feelings began gushing from me uncontrollably as I heard myself say “I have to go to work”, and drove off – crying most of the way to my meeting.
Here also I will give you the video, but am sorry in doing so, and would like to caution you first before viewing it. I don’t know if that is ethically moral to do?
The dog was found near 723 Calvados Ave.
The local animal organization Red Rover is offering a $2,500 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for this incident. You can call the City of Sacramento Animal Care at 916-808-5855 with your tips or visit redrover.com.
This is so messed up I just started crying as the video started I have a 3 year old female pit she is grey and white. Same pattern as the dog in the video. it wouldnt be unethical to do the same to whoever did this to the poor pup. this world is full of evil people. to harm an animal or a child without any need or self dense judgement is just demonic. I can truly say this is why I will save an animal over a person any day. animals don’t have a voice to speak with.