The Public Hearing Report for the Iceland Restoration is out and it favors restoring ice skating activities to Iceland Skating Rink.
The report comes in response to Councilmember Sandy Sheedy’s request to bring the Iceland restoration matter for a full council hearing. This was after the City’s Planning Commission issued Iceland a special use permit for operations on November 18th.
The report outlines City staff’s recommendations and their rationale:
The Iceland Restoration project proposes to operate Iceland as a non-profit, outdoor skating facility that would operate during the winter season. The proposed ice skating facility will operate within the footprint of the original building.
Staff supports this request to restore ice skating activities to the subject site. The applicant has agreed to conditions requiring the formulation of a “good neighbor policy” and conditions requiring skating sessions end at 10:30 p.m. Further, the applicant is required to obtain all the necessary building permits and comply with the City Noise Ordinance. Staff finds that the proposed project complies with the Zoning Code and the 2030 General Plan.
For these reasons, staff recommends that the City Council approve the request based on the findings of fact and subject to the conditions of approval listed in Attachment 5, the project Resolution.
The report also indicates Iceland’s general operational hours, including maintenance, will be 5:00am to 12:00am, with skating sessions for the public / private events ending no later than 10:30 p.m.
The City Council will discuss and vote on this matter at their 6pm meeting at New City Hall.
Iceland is urging its supporters to come for the meeting.