Remember when we told you about Dixieanne Avenue’s green redesign a year ago? That design is getting some international attention.
Dixieanne Avenue has been awarded a 2010 Green GOOD DESIGN Award for the project’s plan and construction.
The green street was chosen from among thousands of submissions from more than 46 nations, according to a letter to the consultant who entered the project in the competition, which was sponsored by the European Center for Architecture, Art Design & Urban Studies in conjunction with the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design.
The green street opened in September 2009 along Dixieanne Avenue as a five block gateway to the Swanston Light Rail Station. The sidewalk/streetscape drainage project was the idea of District 2 Councilmember Sandy Sheedy.
“This is a great honor for the City of Sacramento, for consultants MIG, Inc., and for the outstanding team from the City’s Department of Transportation who brought this project into being: Jerry Way, Nicholas Theocharides, Tim Mar, Nader Kamal, and Ryan Moore,” Councilmember Sheedy said in a statement.