Driving down the Marconi Ave overpass, one may notice people at John Mackey Memorial Park throwing Frisbees at poles with chains around them. Turns out, these people are playing Disc Golf.
Disc golf was born in the 1970s, becoming more mainstream in the last few years. The Professional Disc Golf Association has grown to over 16,000 members and is the governing body of the sport. The sport can be played by almost any age group, making it a lifetime fitness sports activity.
The play of disc golf mirrors that of regular golf. A golf disc is thrown from a tee area to a target, commonly an elevated metal basket. As a player progresses down the fairway, he or she must make each consecutive shot from the spot where the previous throw landed. When the disc lands in the basket, the hole is completed. Click here to read all the rules of play.
The Mackey course was established in 2007. It has 9 holes (Mach3) and concrete tees with three under-300ft holes, five 300-400ft holes, and one over-400ft hole. The total length of the course is 2900ft. The course is hidden away, but has garnered good reviews from players.
Weekly doubles are scheduled for Mondays at 6pm during the spring and summer.