Joe Davidson of the Bee’s Prep Blog chatted with Grant Pacers Coach Mike Alberghini about how he coaches Grant’s blowout victories. Turns out, it’s not as easy as it appears.
So far, Grant has outscore teams 367-7 this season, which causes complications for his reserves. Said Alberghini:
“You can’t tell kids who work hard, who practice hard and lift year round not to play hard. If they do that, then when it’s a game when it’s close and they give a half effort, then you get mad at them.”
“It’s hard. After 11 carries, I had to tell (leading rusher Devontae) Butler, ‘I can’t run you any more.’ And I had to say we couldn’t pass any more. But you want to stay sharp, too.”
Good philosophy, considering the sections playoffs start next month.